Welcome to FMC!
No matter where you're at on life's journey we invite you into our community as we share the joy of Christ with you!
Sunday School begins at 9:30 am
(pre-school through adult classes)
Worship Service begins at 11:00 am
We also offer our worship service through Zoom. The Zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88235937110?pwd=MzREWUoyc3NWQmRXSkY3bm5oMy9JUT09.
Meeting ID: 882 3593 7110 Passcode: 2643200
You can also listen on your phone. Dial 1 (929) 205-6099; (meeting number 83948392900). Passcode: 618952#. This link will remain the same for each online weekly service.
First Mennonite Church
Phone: (804) 264-3200
Address: 601 East Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23227
Free parking. Access the parking lot from St. Charles Rd.
Yes. Our facility is all on one level and there are no steps from the parking lot into the building. Bathrooms have wheelchair access stalls, and the sanctuary features a “hearing loop” to assist those with hearing aids. There are no automatic doors, but a greeter at the entrance can open the door for you. Closed captioning is available for those accessing the service through Zoom.
Yes. Persons identifying as LGBTQ+ are welcome at FMC. Gender identity and sexual orientation bar no one from participating fully in the life of the congregation or becoming a member. We are glad for all who come to worship God and share their gifts as we seek to know, follow, and serve Jesus together. We have a variety of beliefs and convictions about sexuality and gender, and we respect different viewpoints based on faith and conscience. At this time, the Virginia Mennonite Conference does not allow credentialed ministers to officiate same-sex marriages.
Yes. We have a nursery staffed by screened caregivers for children 6 weeks through 3 years old. In addition, we have an area at the rear of the sanctuary for parents and toddlers under 3. We also have an infant room for infants and nursing mothers.
During the fall and winter months, in-person attendance at worship services ranges from 70-95. Though predominantly white, we have a diverse mix of nationalities, ethnicities, and races representing a variety of religious and nonreligious backgrounds. All age groups are represented, and on a typical Sunday over a dozen young children are present.
Services tend to be informal. Each Sunday the music is selected and led by a different song leader, so some Sundays feature several four-part harmony hymns without musical accompaniment, and other Sundays feature a small worship band playing a variety of instruments accompanying more contemporary-style songs. So visit more than once to get the full flavor of our music! The sermons are biblically based, engaging, and relevant for today’s situation. Each service includes a time for open mic sharing of joys and prayer requests.
Wear whatever is comfortable for you. Some people come in shorts and t-shirts and others in suits or business casual.
There are many different branches of the Mennonites. Our congregation belongs to the largest branch in the U.S.: Mennonite Church U.S.A. Within this denomination, we belong to a geographical conference called Virginia Mennonite Conference.
We are so excited that you're interested in FMC! For more information and resources check out the links below: