““What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” ”
The Outreach Commission oversees First Mennonite’s ministries that go beyond serving our own congregation. Our core mission, as the prophet Micah says, is to bring about greater justice and compassion in our society, grounded in our service to God. In particular, we are seeking to address:
Racial justice
Conflict resolution
As a congregation, we are involved in the following ministries, and we invite those within and beyond our congregation to get involved as you feel called by God.
Refugee Support
Working with International Rescue Committee, we sponsor refugees that have moved to the Richmond area. They often need transportation, guidance for navigating complicated systems, and other forms of assistance. If you would like to help, contact Don Oswald.
Circles RVA
This ministry involves the cooperation of multiple congregations seeking to empower individuals and families as they move out of poverty. Every few months, our congregation supplies a dinner for 65 people. If you would like to help, contact Jean Oswald.
Blood Drive
Four times a year First Mennonite hosts a blood drive through the local Red Cross.
Mennonite Disaster Service
Following floods, tornados, and other natural disasters, the Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) sends teams to help clean-up and rebuild. FMC periodically recruits volunteers to participate on a MDS team. If you would like to be notified when team members from First Mennonite are being recruited, contact Jay Rohrer.
Lamb’s Basket
This local organization collects and distributes food and supplies for those living in poverty. The congregation collects food at the church and it is periodically delivered to Lamb’s Basket. To get involved, contact the chair of the Outreach Commission.
Peace Camp
The Peace Camp runs for several days during the summer at FMC. The camp provides children’s programming with a peace emphasis and is held in cooperation with another church. Peace Camp is for rising K-5 graders and middle schoolers (grades 6-8).
The next Peace Camp will be: Summer, 2025; dates TBD
National Neighborhood Night Out
Since 2011, our congregation has participated in the National Neighborhood Night Out program. In 2022, 2023, and 2024 we co-sponsored a Night Out site with the Northern Henrico Civic Association. Snacks and games for the children are provided. We usually have representation from the Henrico County police, fire officials and county administrators.
School Kits for Mennonite Central Committee
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is the relief, development and peacebuilding organization of the Mennonite Church.
As a peace church, FMC is committed to addressing pain and suffering in the world. One avenue is through MCC. During the month of August and September, school supplies are donated and bags sewn for MCC School Kits. Each kit includes 4 notebooks, 8 pencils, colored pencils, a ruler and an eraser. In late summer, the children and youth of FMC gather to assemble the bags. The task of "stringing" the bags is taken on by even the youngest children who attend Sunday school. The bags are delivered to the 'Gift and Thrift" shop in Harrisonburg, and are taken to Pennsylvania before being shipped to refugee camps around the world!
Each fall the congregation, along with other Richmond churches, raises funds for Church World Service’s food relief programs by sponsoring walkers for the annual CROP Walk. To become a walker or sponsor, contact Laurie Ahlgrim, coordinator for FMC.