Upcoming Sermons
February 23: Sermon by Emily Nyce
Luke 9:57-62
March 2: Bread Service
March 9: “The Church’s Temptations”
First Sunday of Lent, Communion
Upcoming Events
COMFORTER-MAKING FOR MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE — FMC attenders ordinarily gather on the 4th Wednesday of each month to sew comforters for a Mennonite Central Committee relief project. The next Comforter-Making day is February 26.
COFFEE FELLOWSHIP—The FMC Neighborhood coffee fellowship is on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30a.m. in the fellowship hall. Everyone is welcome. The next coffee fellowship is February 18.
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES—The Ministerial Leadership Team has designed an LGBTQ+ congregational study beginning February 2nd to help our congregation better understand the LGBTQ+ experience, engage in experiential, biblical and ethical reflection, and—if possible—come to consensus on how FMC will engage/include LGBTQ+ persons and articulate common ethical principles. Pastors Ryan and Emily will facilitate the study.
First Mennonite Church
601 E Parham Road
Richmond, VA 23227
(804) 264-3200
Pastor - Ryan Ahlgrim
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
Associate Pastor - Emily Hodges Nyce
Office Hours: currently by appointment only
Office Manager - Hannah Harward
Hours: Varies